Referência: FI01GT66
Marca: TCM Formula
Dang Gui Shao Yao San Tang 100 ml - F66
F66 - Dang Gui Shao Yao San Tang
"With 180 color photographs and112 full-color drawings, this highly practical and comprehensively illustrated photo atlas of acupuncture points offers students and practitioners an indispensable guide to the accurate location of points and provides a clear depiction of the anatomic structures encountered during the needle passage.
Key features:
- imposition of acupuncture points and channels on photographs of human models, thus facilitating the rapid location of points
- all 14 main acupuncture channels and their points clearly indicated on the photographs
- detailed visualization of anatomic structures to increase needling confidence
- anatomic cross-sections (color photos and drawings) provide a vivid illustration of the tissues traversed during needling of 97 commonly used and higher-risk points
- brief notes on location, depth of insertion, actions, and clinical indications accompany all cross-section illustrations, with cautions where appropriate
Although not intended as a substitute for a basic acupuncture textbook, this book will provide a powerful and distinctive support to the learning process."
Referência: FI01GT66
Marca: TCM Formula
F66 - Dang Gui Shao Yao San Tang
Referência: FI01GT10
Marca: TCM Formula
F10 - Feng Shi Bi Tong Fang
Referência: FI03ES.JYK
Preparado à base de plantas chinesas que ajuda a diminuir a dependência da nicotina.
Referência: FI01GT273B
Marca: TCM Formula
F273B - Fu Ling Tang Jia Jian