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Madame White Snake
"The writings of Chinese early thinkers have influenced all facets of Chinese culture and society, from education to art, from politics and warfare to common etiquette. The popular comic book artist TSAI CHIH CHUNG has faithfully brought the wisdom of these classics to life with his uniquely charming illustrations.
This series on Traditional Chinese Thought features the great thinkers of Chinese histroy, including:
- Confucius, the sage of harmonious living
- Laozi, the Daoist sage of natural living
- Zhuangzi, the Daoist sage of freedom and spontaneity
- Sunzi, the sage of winning without warring
- Zen masters, the sages of living in the moment
TSAI CHIH CHUNG first came to prominence through his award-winning animated movies and his immensely popular daily comic strips. When he turned his hand to the classics after a prolonged period of self-education, they were acclaimed by critics and shot to the top of the bestsellers lists. His books have been published in America by the renowned publishers Princeton University Press and Knopf."
Tsai Chih Chung
Modern Press
Número de páginas
Referência: FO04NP
Marca: Botica Import
NoPausa - 30 Olicaps
Suplemento alimentar à base de isoflavonas de soja, borragem, onagra e vitamina E.
Referência: MD01CH50
Modelo Anatómico do Corpo Humano - 50 cm - Masculino
Modelo anatómico do corpo humano masculino que permite visualizar pontos de acupunctura, meridianos, meridianos extraordinários, pontos curiosos e pontos novos.