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- Aparelhos de Acupunctura
- Acupunctura e Moxibustão
- Massagem e Técnicas Manuais
- Material para Consultório
- Material Didático
- Livros
- Acupunctura Geral
- Acupunctura e Moxibustão
- Anatomia
- Atlas de Acupunctura
- Auriculoterapia
- Clássicos
- Dermatologia
- Diabetes
- Diagnóstico
- Dicionários
- Doenças Cardiovasculares
- Fitoterapia Chinesa
- Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
- Homeopatia
- Pontos de Acupunctura
- Massagem, Tuina
- Medicina Tradicional Chinesa
- Nguyen Van Nghi
- Dietética Chinesa, Nutrição
- Obras Essenciais
- Odontologia
- Oftalmologia
- Oncologia
- Pediatria
- Psicologia, Psiquiatria
- Qigong, Taiji Quan
- Reumatologia
- Sida
- Veterinária
- Diversos
- Outras Temáticas
- Banda Desenhada
- Cozinha Saudável, Oriental
- Literatura Infanto-Juvenil
- Feng Shui
- Revista Shenmen
- Modelos Anatómicos
- Mapas e Cartografias
- Multimédia
- Livros
- Artigos de Bem-estar
- Cosmética
- Fitoterapia
Chinese-English Edition of Acupuncture Treatment for Hypertension
Doenças Cardiovasculares.
"Hypertension is one of the most common "Civilized sicknesses" among people in modern society. The purpose of this book is to tell people how to deal with it by applying traditional therapies of acupuncture and moxibustion. Although not large in length, the book is of the following features: Large in information: The book gathers the relative information about hypertension in Western medicine, mainly in Chinese medicine and acupuncture-moxibustion both ancient and present times, especially the successful experience accumulated in treatment of hypertension by acupuncture-moxibustion. Great in practicality: Basing on our more than 30 years experiences clinically, the authors have sorted and optimized the above information. In the book we provide for the readers various effective points for tretament of hypertension including so called micro-acupuncture system, the repeatability-standing therapeutic schemes that are developed from clinically reported large-sample-contenting materials after summarization, and medical cases treated with various remedies and unique effects by famous medical experts.
The book is not only suitable for clinical practitioners in acupuncture and moxibustion field, but also can serve as a reference for doctors both in Western and Chinese medicine."
Zhang Ren & Xu Hong
Shangai Scientific and Technical Publishers
Número de páginas
Referência: AR04XP24
Pinça Ulrich
Pinça para segurar as bolas de algodão incandescentes, provocar o aquecimento e vácuo em ventosas de vidro.