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Color Atlas of Microsurgical Anatomy – Vasculature of Skin Flaps
"In almost all subsections of surgery, skin flap transposition is one of the most frequently applied techniques for tissue transplantation whenever a graf is required to restore a defect, to reconstruct a function or to reshape a figure. In the late 19 century, free skin grafting was adopted to cover the wound surface. In the early 20 century, there appeared random pattern of pedicled skin flap. That is, a full-thickness skin with its subcutaneous tissue was transplanted on the condition that the length and width of the graft was in proportion. In the 1950s-1960s, muscle flap and axial skin flap came about.The 1970s witnessed the development of microscopical vascular anastomosis and the sucess of the free skin flaps initiated by Harii, Daniel and Yang Dongyue, which became a milestone in the development of microsurgery. The 1980s witnessed great breakthroughs in both theoretical and clinical studies of skin flap and a wide range of clinical applications of the techinque, axial skin flaps, retrograde island skin flaps, distal pedicle flaps, fascia skin flaps, fascia flaps, subdermal vascular plexus flaps and venous flaps, for example. In the 1990s, there came the neuro-veno-fasciocutaneous flap and the perforating branch skin flap. It goes without doubt that among all the tissue grafting, skin flaps have become the most applicable and effective ones for microsurgical technique.
Clinically, the survival of skin flap depends on the reconstruction of its blood circulation whether the grafting involves vascular anastomosis or pedicle flap. Recently, there have appeared quite a few books and atlases pertinent to skin flap grafting. Among them are definitive and valuable ones. Some emphasize the theoretic interpretation, and others stress the clinical applications. But among these books and atlases, there are some that were not written as systematically as had been expected; there are few that deal with dermis-vasanervorum flap and rami perforator flap..."
Zheng Heping, Lin Jianhua & Lian Kejian
People's Medical Publishing House
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Referência: MDLCM97
Traditional Chinese Treatment for Senile Diseases
Medicina Tradicional Chinesa - Geral.