Medicina Tradicional Chinesa - Geral.
"The Zang Fu, the organ systems, are the central core of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). A thorough understanding of Zang Fu is vital to the successful practice of TCM. This authoritative and instructive text provides that understanding by focusing on genuine TCM as it is taught and practised in the People's Republic of China today.
The author has studied and trained in Canton and Nanjing, as well as in the UK. Within this book he has used his long experience in the teaching of both science and alternative medicine to great effect and clarifies areas which have proved ambiguous or difficult for the Western reader.
The book gives a clear, well-organised framework of the theory of Zang Fu. Illustrated with many tables, diagrams and actual case histories it shows how the theoretical principles are applied in clinical practice.
In four parts:
Part 1 The Background
Part 2 Zang Fu
Part 3 Interrelationships
Part 4 Clinical Practice
Zang Fu is an essential text for every serious student and practitioner of therapies, such as acupuncture, which are based on Chinese Medicine."
Jeremy Ross
Churchill Livingstone
Número de páginas
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Medicina Tradicional Chinesa - Geral.
Medicina Tradicional Chinesa - Geral.