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- Aparelhos de Acupunctura
- Acupunctura e Moxibustão
- Massagem e Técnicas Manuais
- Material para Consultório
- Material Didático
- Livros
- Acupunctura Geral
- Acupunctura e Moxibustão
- Anatomia
- Atlas de Acupunctura
- Auriculoterapia
- Clássicos
- Dermatologia
- Diabetes
- Diagnóstico
- Dicionários
- Doenças Cardiovasculares
- Fitoterapia Chinesa
- Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
- Homeopatia
- Pontos de Acupunctura
- Massagem, Tuina
- Medicina Tradicional Chinesa
- Nguyen Van Nghi
- Dietética Chinesa, Nutrição
- Obras Essenciais
- Odontologia
- Oftalmologia
- Oncologia
- Pediatria
- Psicologia, Psiquiatria
- Qigong, Taiji Quan
- Reumatologia
- Sida
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- Diversos
- Outras Temáticas
- Banda Desenhada
- Cozinha Saudável, Oriental
- Literatura Infanto-Juvenil
- Feng Shui
- Revista Shenmen
- Modelos Anatómicos
- Mapas e Cartografias
- Multimédia
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- Cosmética
- Fitoterapia
Clinical Manual of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture
"This clinical manual describes the treatment of 185 diseases and 18 common symptoms with Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. These diseases span such specialist areas as internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology and otorhinolaryngology. The etiology and pathogenesis of disease are discussed briefly, but the main emphasis is on key points in diagnosis, differentiation of syndromes, and treatment, particularly with herbal medicine. The treatment of each disease is discussed in five parts:
1. Treatment based on differentiation of syndromes (herbal treatment)
2. Patent Chinese medicines
3. Simple recipes of herbal medicines
4. Acupuncture and moxibustion
5. Other therapies
With its comprehensive coverage of over 200 diseases and common symptoms providing solutions to most clinical problems, this book will be useful to all acupuncture practitioners and latter-year students (including physiotherapists and medically qualified acupuncturists), as well as Western and Chinese herbal medicine practitioners."
Zhou Zhong Ying & Jin Hui De
Churchill Livingstone
Número de páginas
Referência: AP01ES160
Aparelho de Eletroacupunctura ES-160
Seis canais com controlo de corrente independentes.
Referência: PD0307
Marca: Sinonym Edições
Aguarela Cerejeira
Aguarela "Cerejeira", símbolo da eterna juventude.
Referência: AG05022X5
Marca: Shenzhou
Agulhas Intradérmicas
Agulhas semipermanentes para pontos dos meridianos de acupunctura.