Referência: OL05OMCN1000
Marca: Paraíso Cosmetics
Óleo de Massagem Corporal
Óleo de massagem corporal neutro.
"The Western world seems enamored with alternative medicine. Many people have become jaded with conventional Western medicine as they junp from doctor to doctor in hopes of a cure that never materializes. Alternative medicine seems to offer them just that - an alternative to the failures of Western medicine.
Many seekers hope to rediscover a more "natural" and effective way of healing. This has fueled interest in herbal medicine, chiropractics, acupuncture, healing touch, and a number of other therapies. Various dramatic testimonials of success with a number of illnesses increased many people's enthusiasm and belief in these methods. Even the Western medical community, while at first skeptical of these methods, has come gradually to accept the validity of some therapies with support from strong clinical and research evidence. Acupuncture, in particular, has been well researched and has documented numerous beneficial physiological changes..."
Referência: OL05OMCN1000
Marca: Paraíso Cosmetics
Óleo de massagem corporal neutro.
Referência: AR051
Rolo para estimulação de pequenas zonas do corpo ou para percorrer os meridianos.
Referência: PU0402
Marca: Pulanna
O Sérum com Ginseng é uma fórmula altamente concentrada que estimula a atividade celular, retardando os efeitos do envelhecimento. Deixa a pele macia e hidratada.
Referência: AR05GS10
Massajador de Gua Sha em forma de pé de pato, feito de corno de búfalo de água.
Referência: OL05CRMRM100
Marca: Paraíso Cosmetics
Enriquecido com Óleo de Rosa Mosqueta.